Thursday, November 29, 2007
Climate change: "Carbon footprint" enters everyday vocabulary - Yahoo! News
Climate change: "Carbon footprint" enters everyday vocabulary - Yahoo! News: "PARIS (AFP) -
Taking a bicycle on vacation without a support vehicle wasn't mentioned in this article but it is a big deal on this blog.
Buying locally-produced fruit and veg, riding bikes or taking the train instead of using private cars, buying carbon offsets and staging carbon-neutral weddings: all are part of the climate-change awareness taking root in many countries."
Taking a bicycle on vacation without a support vehicle wasn't mentioned in this article but it is a big deal on this blog.
A bus emits between 10 and 20 times less CO2 than a car, and both are of course beaten for greenness by walking and cycling if distances permit.
Labels: bicycle, carbon, climate, SLOW_bicycling, sustainability